RCIA/OCIA Kerygma Retreat

RCIA Kerygma Retreat

The heart of the Christian faith, and the rites of Christian initiation, is the kerygma (the gospel). The RCIA Kerygma Retreat includes the proclamation of God’s great creative and redemptive purpose and activity and an invitation to become a part of it.

Part of my duties as Director of Faith Formation included running the RCIA (Rite for Christian Initiation of Adults). The attached Kerygma Retreat was one of several extended sessions (3-4 hour “retreats”) I required for both candidates (Christians from other traditions who were becoming Catholic) and catechumens (new Christians preparing for their baptism). The retreat covers the full range of the gospel message, from creation, fall, and redemption to the new creation, already begun in Jesus Christ and yet to be fully consummated. The RCIA/OCIA Kerygma Retreat contextualizes the call to every person to know and submit to Jesus in this greater, cosmic redemptive purpose to make all things new. Using an insightful song from Christian artist Michael Card and his album The Hidden Face of God (“To a Broken God”), I included a video presentation intended to draw each participant to face the gospel message and its demands with a decisive commitment to follow Christ and become a part of his church.

The RCIA/OCIA Kerygma Retreat is included as an Apple Keynote presentation with PDF of landing images and a PDF study guide. A full resolution video is available (which can be used on any platform and paused for instruction). Please contact Dr. Chris (drchris@themystagogue.org) for the video version.

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